For ALL courses * Lewis Training delivers, there are NO pre course requirements for students to undertake

All courses are delivered as face to face training, so if you have workers who want to ask questions about certain topics or situations they have been involved with, then there is ample time in training to do so

Participants in this Nationally Recognised course MUST provide their Unique Student Identifier number before or at the course they attend

 IF THEY DO NOT ALREADY HAVE a USI number they can obtain one by logging into the below website and following the instructions

Please ask the participants to keep their USI number and password they create in a safe place so they can use it again when attending any Nationally Recognised qualification course

Students only need 1 USI number that they can use for all courses. They do not need to apply for a new number each course

If you have any questions about pre course study requirements or completing your pre course, then please contact Margaret on 0414 515 577

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